
令和五年 新年のご挨拶。





また、新年のご挨拶として、2021年は「世界企業元年」、2022年は「公共経営元年」をテーマにその決意を述べさせていただいた結果、TYPICAは現時点で、オランダ、日本、韓国、台湾、米国に法人設立及び拠点を設置し、サービス提供範囲は世界71ヵ国に拡充され、ポータルサイトは5言語、マーケットプレイスは8言語に対応し、公共経営を真に実践できる共働態/コミュニティとして、ようやくそのスタート地点に立つことができました。これらの経験から、志を立て、日々新たに “自らが率先垂範” することで、自ずから組織全体及び関わる人々の良心と和合し、志が現実と成ることへの自覚を、より深い次元で確信することができました。




コロナ禍に創業し、オンラインでの売買と交流を推進してきたTYPICAは、コロナ終息に伴う国境の開けとともに、生産者、ロースター、コーヒーラバーが直接交流できる機会を積極的に主催するべく、TYPICA LabTYPICA Annual MeetingTYPICA GUIDETYPICA CLUBTYPICA Culture Pairing Pop-upなど様々なイベントを開催いたしました。

マイケル・ポランニー氏の著書「The Tacit Dimension /暗黒知の次元」の中に “We can know more than we can tell” という一節がありますが、私たちは本年を「語ること以上のことを知っている、暗黙知の次元」を超えて、「知っていること(良心)を共に行うことができる共働態の次元」への転換期にしたい、世界71ヵ国の人々が真に志を共有し、国境を超えて実践し合うことで開かれる、全く新しいダイレクトトレードの次元を拓く1年にしたいと思う、志向性を新たに抱いております。




代表取締役 後藤 将


Happy new year!
I would like to kindly ask for your continued support this year as well.

I reflected on the past year during the holidays, but no single word can fully describe how fulfilling it has been. I’m deeply grateful that I was able to spend such a fantastic year thanks to you all.

There are many things I wish I could have done more of, such as spending time with my parents, family and friends, learning about business and languages, meditating, taking long vacations, trying out different soup recipes, and having casual conversations. The list goes on. Despite all this, I still managed to focus on and pursue my goals with an unparalleled level of dedication and commitment on a daily basis.

Last year, the most significant event for me was embarking on a global challenge in the truest sense of the term. Thanks to all our combined efforts and your support, we have now reached the starting line as a global business that’s capable of implementing public management, as we aim to further expand globally this year.

I am grateful to all the members who are joining this journey with big ambitions, producers, roasters, shareholders, mentors who support us in our challenge, and all other comrades, both alive and passed. I am full of gratitude and enthusiasm for the journey ahead.

Please see my more detailed New Year greeting in the link below.

And 2023 is likely to be an even more special year for many reasons.

Just to name a few,

– 20th anniversary of my first business
– a move to New York
– launching reforestation projects around the globe
– global release of a publication
– shifting existential dimensions

I’m looking forward to sharing with you the ever-expanding connections and evolving possibilities. I will keep you updated on our progress.

Finally, we are now hiring new founding members for TYPICA!
You may be wondering what I mean by “founding” members, considering TYPICA has been around for three years already.
But in my view, these years have been a prelude to the company’s actual founding.
While we have established bases in Amsterdam, Tokyo, Osaka, Seoul, Taipei and New York, providing services in 71 countries, our team is still small with only around 50 employees.
It feels like these past three years have been a journey to meet the valued members who shape today’s TYPICA.
I can’t help but feel that all my experiences in the last 20 years since I became an entrepreneur at 19 years old existed to prepare me for the journey that’s to come.
Everything that’s happened has led me to where I am today, and the grand vision I had in the past has become a reality, even on a bigger scale than I envisioned back in the day.

Not every day is fun. Some days are certainly more challenging than others.
If you’re interested, you can read about the experiences of our team members to get a better idea of what a typical day at TYPICA is like.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.
I wish you all a year full of health and happiness.